Course curriculum

    1. 8:30 AM: Introducing the Concept of Two-Eyed Seeing with Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, PhD (Orono, Maine) AND 9:00 AM: Slow, Complicated Healing with Sharon Tomah Jordan, MSW, LCSW and Barbara Mainguy, MSW, LCSW (Orono, Maine)

    2. 10:00 AM: Wabanaki Public Health & Wellness: What's Happening Now with Lisa Sockabasin, MS, RN (Maine)

    3. 11:00 AM: The Difficulties in Implementing and Practicing a Two-Eyed Seeing Approach with Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, PhD (Orono, Maine)

    4. 1:00 PM: Indigenous Approaches to Healing Trauma in Australia with Judy Atkinson, PhD (Sydney, Australia)

    5. 2:00 PM: In the Eye of the Storm: Community-led Indigenous Informed Responses During a Natural Disaster with Caroline Atkinson, PhD (New South Wales, Australia)

    6. 3:30 PM: Spirit, Healing and the Land: The Stabilizing Aspect of Morning Prayer with Maria Yracébûrû, PrayerMaker, Storyteller, Author (San Diego, California)

    7. 4:00 PM: Lessons from an Aboriginal General Practitioner with Mark Winetong, MD (Melbourne, Australia)

    1. 8:00 AM: Welcome and Breath Based practice with Josie Conte, DO (Augusta, Maine)

    2. 8:30 AM: Traditional Birthing and the Modern World with Dan Zahn, MD and Micaela Segura Arias (Philadelphia, PA and Costa Rica)

    3. 9:30 AM: Altered States of Consciousness in Indigenous and Transpersonal Psychology with Zana Marovic, PhD (Johannesburg, South Africa)

    4. 10:00 AM: Wellness Solutions From Ancient Traditional Systems with Special Reference to Ayurveda with Pratibha Shah, BAMS, MD (Ayurveda), MPH (India and Connecticut)

    5. 11:00 AM: Trauma and Transformation with Ayurveda Medicine with Kim Valeri Povey, 2024 candidate for Certified Doctor of Ayurveda Medicine and Josie Conte, DO (Massachusetts and Augusta, Maine)

    6. 1:00 PM: Integrating Western Healing Methods with Traditional Mesoamerican Curanderismo with Bob Vetter, MA (Long Island, NY)

    7. 2:00 PM: Regenerating a Maori Nation with Steve Hill, Master Breathwork Instructor and Coach (Aukland, New Zealand)

    8. 3:30 PM: Indigenous Collaborative Mental Health Care in New Zealand with Alistair Bush, MD and Wiremu Nia Nia (Wellington, NZ)

    1. 8:00 AM: Welcome with Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, PhD (Orono, Maine)

    2. 8:15 AM: Welcome and Movement with Magili Quinn, DO (Portland, Maine)

    3. 8:30 AM: Blending Western Healing Tools with Indigenous Ways of Approaching the Body and Story with Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, PhD, Barbara Mainguy, MSW, LCSW, Josie Conte, DO, and Magili Quinn, DO (Maine)

    4. 10:00 AM: Decolonizing Mental Health, Trauma, and Caring with Patrick McFarlane, LCSW, PMH-NP, FNP, MA and Jeffrey More (Detroit, Michigan)

    5. 11:00 AM: Indigenous Roots of Osteopathy: An International Perspective with Rafael Zegarra-Parodi, DO MEd (Paris, France)

    6. 12:45 PM: Rhythm Is The Cure: Healing Practices With The Black Madonna with Alessandra Belloni, Artistic Director, Vocalist, Percussionist, Author (Italy and New Jersey)

    7. 1:30 PM: Indigenous Roots of Osteopathy: A Historical Perspective with Ronald Ellis, DO (Lyon, France)

    8. 2:15 PM: Disassociachotic: Seeing the Non-psychosis with Matt Ball, PMHNP (Adelaide, Australia)

    9. 3:15 PM: Envisioning Two-Eyed Seeing in Action with Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, PhD (Orono, Maine)

About this course

  • $125.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 20.5 hours of video content